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Senin, 28 Januari 2013

tugas mengulas tentang program pemerintah terkait TIK


In my view, the term ICT should be a short for “information, and communication technologies”, embraces the many technologies that enable us to receive information and communicate or excange information eith other. Some people focus on the “technology” whilst others focus on the “information” or “communication”. For example, ICT governance is not only about the governance of “technology” (the storage tanks and pipes), but also about the governance of “information” (the water).
In the mean time, we are living in 21st century where globalism happening as indicated by convergence of ICT which allows everybody to become their own individual writer, to access writing material from all over the world, and working together, regardless of distance among them. Everything is in digital format. in the digital world, without meeting each other, anywhere or anytime, easily accessible information. And one of them can be realized in the world of education through virtual learning. Many provide facilities for both, teachers and students in accessing the learning materials and obtain solutions/problems solving to the problems are poorly understood for children, directly and quickly.
ICT in education, at least need a set of tools that facilitate us to facilitate access or acquire the desired content such as computers, internet, skills, and a network-based virtual learning technology that considered to give a good impact on education.
To reach maximum use of ICT in education, Ministry of National Education agree explore ICT in form of; the full utilization of network for access to all, to develop content and enrich the teaching and learning experience, and build solution for administration and content management as part of good governance initiative.[1]
To provide wide access to education, Ministry of National Education of the Republik of Indonesia fully utilize communication network available in the country. The project has been start since 2006 under the flagship name of national education Network – Jardiknas (Jaringan Pendidikan Nasional) using fiber optic, cable, radio, VSAT-IP/Broadband, and VSAT/SCPC.[2]
Government projects related to education, are:
1.    Jardiknas, means the role of ICT is the infrastructure of National-scale online networks in various aspects of governance, especially in Depatemen Education.[3] Starting from the county or city level to the provincial level. And linking schools and colleges there are in the whole of Indonesia. This network is designed to provide smooth and optimize the flow of information communications between the executive education. So that information received becomes more optimal, effective, and efficient.[4]
2.    Higher Education (INHERENT), Inherent (Indonesia higher Education Network) is a network infrastructure on a national scale (using wide area network) between universities in Indonesia being developed by the Directorate General of Higher Education (Dikti Depdiknas).[5]
Inherent in the network there are many services that can be used for education in Indonesia, are:
1. The service includes a variety of content higher education in Indonesia.

2. VICON (Video Teleconference).
3. VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) Inherent.
4. Search engines (Search Engine) Inherent Network.
5. Expertise Electronic Portfolio.
6. Reviewed places Peerp Scientific E-Journal[6]

[2] Op.cit.
[3] Uriani Hasan, 2012.

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